It is with heavy hearts that we announce we have retired from hosting PCT hikers, but it is time for us to move on.
Literally. We expect to move to the DC area by this time next year, to be closer to our three adult children and their spouses, and especially our three grandchildren.
We started out hosting 17 in 2006, then hosted 40 and thru-hiked ourselves in 2007. Our numbers increased each year to almost 1300 in 2019. We missed 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid pandemic, then started back up in 2022 with reduced capacity and transportation changes. We hosted our 8000th hiker shortly before closing our doors this past May.
We have passed the flag to Dee and Paul, who run the PCT Southern Terminus Shuttle and the CLEEF backpackers’ campground and do a great job. We encourage hikers to use their services; please see their website at pctsouthernterminusshuttle.com . They are thru-hikers themselves and know how to help you get a good start on your hike!

We hope you all have wonderful adventures on this amazing trail, and that you make wise decisions!
By the way, check out Scout’s PCT book Journeys North. Backpacker magazine declared it a “best gift,” and it was mentioned in the New York Times.
Please take care, stay safe, and MAKE WISE DECISIONS.